We work to understand your business objectives and provide innovative solutions for every need.
Es licenciada en Economía Empresarial de la Universidad Torcuato Di Tella y se especializó en Marketing Digital y de Contenidos. Realizó cursos y capacitaciones en University of the Arts London y Regent’s University London sobre Estrategias de Marketing Digital y Negocios Internacionales. Obtuvo amplia experiencia trabajando en startups y empresas multinacionales, tanto en Argentina como en el Reino Unido.
Esto le permitió reunir amplios conocimientos sobre estrategias de marketing y comunicación específicas para cualquier tipo de empresa.
Su prioridad es potenciar cada negocio desde una visión integral, desde el momento en que nacen las ideas hasta volverlas realidad.
One of our strengths is our teamwork, based on trust and dialogue. We are sure that it enriches not only us but also the projects we create. We know that everything that is approached with optimism, passion and responsibility generates efficiency and good results.
We generally use brainstorming when creating new projects. This method helps us to think outside the box, allows new ideas and different points of view to emerge. In this way all our works are crossed by a multidisciplinary look.
We are interested in giving you the results you expect, that's why our work methodology is totally transparent. We want to motivate you to go for more, that's why we are always on the lookout for new trends, techniques, methods or plans so you can see significant improvements in your business.