
Boost your business and increase your sales by reaching more users.

Digital media advertising campaigns are fundamental in your marketing strategy, as they allow you to reach a larger number of users of your target audience and increase the conversion rate of your business.
  • Get quality leads.
  • Elevate your brand image, show yourself.
  • Short-term results.
  • Increase sales and traffic to your website.
If you want to reach your audience in a fast and effective way, Elevate can help you create quality Paid Media campaigns for your business. 

We focus on those factors that can influence consumers' online decisions: style, message, specific targeting and campaign appeal. 

What do we offer?

  • Campaigns on Google: Google Search, Display and
  • Meta campaigns: Facebook and Instagram.
  • Monitoring, adjustment and optimization based on results and budget.
  • Monthly report of results per campaign with analysis of the same.
  • Elaboration of advertising pieces, we design the content for the advertisements.
  • Campaigns on Mercado Ads.
  • Remarketing.
There are many ways to reach your customers, so the best option is to work on each of them to ensure the success of your project.

Is your competitor's site ranked first?

Google Campaigns


If what you are looking for is a campaign 100% focused on the results this is the right option.

Position your brand in the minds of consumers through ad campaigns specifically designed for three Google mobile apps: YouTube, Gmail and Discover.

You can include a lead form in Gmail to extract user information directly from the ad.

SEM (Search
Engine Marketing)

Would you like to expand your audience and reach new customers? 

If your business appears among the first results in the search for something related to your business we can assure you that the visibility of your website will rise.

We will analyze which keywords a potential customer will use in a specific Google search, and we will use them to create targeted ads for your website.


You know very well who to target with your ads but you are not able to reach that audience.?

You need a campaign focused on cultivating new user demand.

We can achieve that,
through ads on websites and mobile applications that are of interest to your personalized audience. We create exclusive messages that seek to enhance promotions, discounts and more; directly impacting potential customers who are interested in your brand.

Our Methodology 

Meta Advertising

Social networks, Facebook and Instagram, also have their own advertising platforms. Here our job will be to set up campaigns and image and video ads to increase your reach, spread the word about your products or services and much more!
We guarantee effective communication, personalized ads and the results you expect.


We will be able to generate a base of users that have been directed to the site through forms with a low investment cost.


We implement specific campaigns for the sale of your products on the website. Through the positioning of your brand in the minds of consumers, we will increase the number of conversions.


Focused on site traffic

Working with brand recall, impacting users who have interests linked to your product within the sites they browse.

Focused on followers

In the official account of your brand by attracting users with ads that motivate them to become part of our community.

Today, followers are everything, whether to generate contacts, make alliances with other brands and increase your reach, among other things. We will work on enhancing brand attributes and what differentiates you from your competitors.

Remarketing and similar audience campaigns

Reach more users and get new customers through advertising campaigns.

With these campaigns you will be able to reach people who have a similar search behavior to the users who have already shown interest in your brand.

Google Ads analyzes the recent search activity of visitors to your remarketing list to record their search behavior, and then searches for new leads with similar search behavior. It's a great tool for simplifying audience research for ad targeting.

Mercado Ads

Would you like to increase the visibility of your products in Mercado Libre?

Through Mercado Ads your publication will be positioned among the first search results, and will be part of the recommended articles in the leading e-commerce platform in Latin America.

Stand out from the competition with greater exposure, increased traffic to your store and therefore greater likelihood of purchase. Campaigns are low cost and can be activated or paused according to your preference. You will also be able to monitor your performance through reports and metrics to improve your sales results.

Don't miss sales opportunities!

Boost your sales with a tailor-made advertising strategy
Schedule a meeting with a specialist.

Contact us

Complete the form and we will contact you as soon as possible. You can also contact us by WhatsApp.